Independent Projects

Human Rights Through Cinematography Film Festival - Showreel

Director and Producer

HumanRights Reel Film Festival - Showreel

Director and Producer

Lost - HDI Scholarship

Co-Director and Co-Producer

The film, “Lost”, journeys into Ramla Fatima’s studio, while talking about a taboo topic in Pakistan, depression. Ramla is a visual artist and sculptor, whose father was kidnapped in 2014, with no word of his whereabouts to date. She battled depression and art became her savior. She talks about missing persons in Pakistan, being one of the victims of such tragedy.

Moashqa - Bachelor Thesis Film (2015)

Writer, Director and Producer

Moashqa, (An Affair) is a story about the sexual coming of age of a young girl, Malaika, who has an intimate affair with her cousin, Sara, who is newly divorced and has come to live with Malaika and her mother. Much to the latent disapproval of Biji (Malaika's mother) their relationship develops. Left to the viewer is the question that does this innocent between the two girls really deserve the frowns it might receive by the society?

Hitchhikers guide to female immobility

Documentary - Co-director/Co-Producer

This documentary is a joint venture of two aspiring film students, Kanzul Fatima and Risham Waseem. We went on a journey to find issues relating to Female Immobility in Lahore, Pakistan. Common issues that we found were Sexual Harassment, Family Paranoia, Lack of transport options and social insecurity.